1 Show CN 6245-studio.jpg 654K Wolf K (More )Text Re: CA Canadian National Railways 6245
2 Show NS6314AltoonaPA10-7-2009dPM.jpg 365K Paul McGrane (More )Text US NS 6314 Altoona PA 10-7-2009 b
3 Show NS6314AltoonaPA10-7-2009cPM.jpg 469K Paul McGrane (More )Text US NS 6314 Altoona PA 10-7-2009
4 Show NS3344AltoonaPA10-7-2009PM.jpg 664K Paul McGrane (More )Text US NS 3344 Altoona PA 10-7-2009 b
5 Show NS3344AltoonaPA10-7-2009cPM.jpg 534K Paul McGrane (More )Text US NS 3344 Altoona PA 10-7-2009
6 Show CN Bathurst Mine.jpg 500K Colin Jack (More )Text CA Canadian National Railways
7 Show CN 6245.jpg 355K Colin Jack (More )Text CA Canadian National Railways 6245
8 Show CN 6137.jpg 369K Colin Jack (More )Text CA Canadian National Railway 6137
9 Show cv219.jpg 178K Bud Laws (More )Text US Steam Central Vermont #219
10 Show cv219(5).jpg 172K Bud Laws (More )Text US Steam Central Vermont #219, 6th View
11 Show cv219(4).jpg 215K Bud Laws (More )Text US Steam Central Vermont #219, 5th View
12 Show cv219(3).jpg 254K Bud Laws (More )Text US Steam Central Vermont #219, 4th View
13 Show cv219(2).jpg 209K Bud Laws (More )Text US Steam Central Vermont #219, 3rd View
14 Show cv219(1).jpg 251K Bud Laws (More )Text US Steam Central Vermont #219, 2nd View
15 Show UP7118_2013-06-29 09-35-01bf_HersheyNE.JPG 440K Bryan E Flint (More )Text US - UP 7118 and UP 6347 on an empty coal train at Hershey, NE, June 29, 2013. - UP7118_2013-06-29 09-35-01bf_HersheyNE.JPG
16 Show UP6599_2021-07-18 17-06-39bf_ThunderBasinWY.JPG 176K Bryan E Flint (More )Text US - UP 6599 and UP 5564 leading a Western Resources Incorporated (Kans.) coal train, Reno Junction, Wyoming, July 18, 2021. - UP6599_2021-07-18 17-06-39bf_ThunderBasinWY.JPG
17 Show UP6599_2021-07-18 15-05-31bf_ThunderBasinWY.JPG 384K Bryan E Flint (More )Text US - UP 6599 and UP 5564 leading a Western Resources Incorporated (Kans.) coal train, Reno Junction, Wyoming, July 18, 2021. - UP6599_2021-07-18 15-05-31bf_ThunderBasinWY.JPG
18 Show UP1943_2020-03-15 13-31-07bf2_HoustonTX.jpg 553K Bryan E Flint (More )Text US - UP 1943 leading an engineering special at South Belt Jct., Houston, Texas, March 15, 2020. - UP1943_2020-03-15 13-31-07bf2_HoustonTX.jpg
19 Show SPLC28_2015-05-02 14-06-14bf_OaklandTX.JPG 786K Bryan E Flint (More )Text US - Southern Pine Lumber #28 (former TSRR #300) at CR2103 crossing, Oakland, Texas, May 2, 2015. - SPLC28_2015-05-02 14-06-14bf_OaklandTX.JPG
20 Show MILW0261_2013-05-11 15-20-53bf_SuperiorWI.JPG 290K Bryan E Flint (More )Text US - MILW 261 and AMTK 17 approaching Belknap Street overpass, Superior, Wisconsin, May 11, 2013. - MILW0261_2013-05-11 15-20-53bf_SuperiorWI.JPG
21 Show KCS4505_2017-05-27 18-53-30f_SaginawTX.JPG 317K Bryan E Flint (More )Text US - KCS 4605 and KCSM 4063, Saginaw, Texas, May 27, 2017. - KCS4505_2017-05-27 18-53-30f_SaginawTX.JPG
22 Show IC6261_2013-05-12 11-58-41bf_DuluthMN.jpg 443K Bryan E Flint (More )Text US - IC 6261 and IC 6252, Duluth, Minnesota, May 12, 2013. - IC6261_2013-05-12 11-58-41bf_DuluthMN.jpg
23 Show BNSF4977_2014-10-18 18-32-30bf_MoorelandOK11.JPG 283K Bryan E Flint (More )Text US - BNSF 4977, BNSF 4430 and BNSF 7102 with a WB stack train at Mooreland, OK, October 18, 2014. - BNSF4977_2014-10-18 18-32-30bf_MoorelandOK11.JPG
24 Show BNSF4976_2014-05-23 19-46-47bf_SaginawTX.JPG 272K Bryan E Flint (More )Text US - BNSF 4976 and BNSF 1079 with a rock train at Saginaw, Texas, May 23, 2014. - BNSF4976_2014-05-23 19-46-47bf_SaginawTX.JPG
25 Show AMTK0153_2014-05-16 12-28-20bf_EagleLakeTX3.JPG 436K Bryan E Flint (More )Text US - AMTK 153 and AMTK 821 west of Eagle Lake, Texas, May 16, 2014. - AMTK0153_2014-05-16 12-28-20bf_EagleLakeTX3.JPG