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#File NameSizeAuthorSubject
1 Show0.par225Knospam (More)Text(Outer Head - Cosmic Vibrator (2024)) [1/7] - "0.par2" yEnc (1/1)
2 Show0.vol0+397.par242.7Mnospam (More)Text(Outer Head - Cosmic Vibrator (2024)) [2/7] - "0.vol0+397.par2" yEnc (001/117)
3 Show01 - Black Pharaoh.mp38.0Mnospam (More)Text(Stains of Amber - No One Will Ever Be This Cool Again (2024)) [01/14] - "01 - Black Pharaoh.mp3" yEnc (01/22)
4 Show01 - Maelstrom.mp37.5Mnospam (More)Text(Sacri Monti - Retrieval (2024)) [01/10] - "01 - Maelstrom.mp3" yEnc (01/21)
5 Show01 - Prometheas Iscariot (1).mp322.6Mnospam (More)Text(Outer Head - Cosmic Vibrator (2024)) [3/7] - "01 - Prometheas Iscariot (1).mp3" yEnc (01/62)
6 Show01 - Prometheas Iscariot.mp322.6Mnospam (More)Text(Outer Head - Cosmic Vibrator (2024)) [4/7] - "01 - Prometheas Iscariot.mp3" yEnc (01/62)
7 Show01. Fugitives From The Void (Suite).mp346.9Mnospam (More)Text(Seedy Jeezus With Isaiah Mitchell And Tony Reed - Tranquonauts 2 (2024)) [1/7] - "01. Fugitives From The Void (Suite).mp3" yEnc (001/129)
8 Show01. The Blood on Satan's Claw.mp325.8Mnospam (More)Text(Psychedelic Witchcult - They Used Dark Forces (2024)) [01/11] - "01. The Blood on Satan's Claw.mp3" yEnc (01/71)
9 Show02 - Cosmic Vibrator.mp321.9Mnospam (More)Text(Outer Head - Cosmic Vibrator (2024)) [5/7] - "02 - Cosmic Vibrator.mp3" yEnc (01/60)
10 Show02 - Desirable Sequel.mp316.3Mnospam (More)Text(Sacri Monti - Retrieval (2024)) [02/10] - "02 - Desirable Sequel.mp3" yEnc (01/45)
11 Show02. Come to the Sabbath.mp38.0Mnospam (More)Text(Psychedelic Witchcult - They Used Dark Forces (2024)) [02/11] - "02. Come to the Sabbath.mp3" yEnc (01/22)
12 Show02. Ground Control.mp339.3Mnospam (More)Text(Seedy Jeezus With Isaiah Mitchell And Tony Reed - Tranquonauts 2 (2024)) [2/7] - "02. Ground Control.mp3" yEnc (001/108)
13 Show03 - Atrahashish.mp316.8Mnospam (More)Text(Outer Head - Cosmic Vibrator (2024)) [6/7] - "03 - Atrahashish.mp3" yEnc (01/46)
14 Show03 - Intermediate Death.mp312.8Mnospam (More)Text(Sacri Monti - Retrieval (2024)) [03/10] - "03 - Intermediate Death.mp3" yEnc (01/36)
15 Show03. Drown.mp315.2Mnospam (More)Text(Seedy Jeezus With Isaiah Mitchell And Tony Reed - Tranquonauts 2 (2024)) [3/7] - "03. Drown.mp3" yEnc (01/42)
16 Show03. Something Wicked This Way Comes.mp315.7Mnospam (More)Text(Psychedelic Witchcult - They Used Dark Forces (2024)) [03/11] - "03. Something Wicked This Way Comes.mp3" yEnc (01/43)
17 Show04 - Brackish-Honeycomb.mp318.5Mnospam (More)Text(Sacri Monti - Retrieval (2024)) [04/10] - "04 - Brackish-Honeycomb.mp3" yEnc (01/51)
18 Show04 - Elyon.mp343.3Mnospam (More)Text(Outer Head - Cosmic Vibrator (2024)) [7/7] - "04 - Elyon.mp3" yEnc (001/119)
19 Show04. Drop.mp311.2Mnospam (More)Text(Seedy Jeezus With Isaiah Mitchell And Tony Reed - Tranquonauts 2 (2024)) [4/7] - "04. Drop.mp3" yEnc (01/31)
20 Show04. Ymir.mp319.7Mnospam (More)Text(Psychedelic Witchcult - They Used Dark Forces (2024)) [04/11] - "04. Ymir.mp3" yEnc (01/54)
21 Show05 - Moon Canyon.mp36.2Mnospam (More)Text(Sacri Monti - Retrieval (2024)) [05/10] - "05 - Moon Canyon.mp3" yEnc (01/17)
22 Show05. Scream and Scream Again.mp39.8Mnospam (More)Text(Psychedelic Witchcult - They Used Dark Forces (2024)) [05/11] - "05. Scream and Scream Again.mp3" yEnc (01/27)
23 Show06 - More Than I.mp321.8Mnospam (More)Text(Sacri Monti - Retrieval (2024)) [06/10] - "06 - More Than I.mp3" yEnc (01/60)
24 Show06. 'Til Death Comes.mp33.5Mnospam (More)Text(Psychedelic Witchcult - They Used Dark Forces (2024)) [06/11] - "06. 'Til Death Comes.mp3" yEnc (01/10)
25 Show07. Uneasy Lie the Drowned.mp316.9Mnospam (More)Text(Psychedelic Witchcult - They Used Dark Forces (2024)) [07/11] - "07. Uneasy Lie the Drowned.mp3" yEnc (01/47)
26 ShowCover.jpg211Knospam (More)Text(Psychedelic Witchcult - They Used Dark Forces (2024)) [08/11] - "Cover.jpg" yEnc (1/1)
27 Showcover.jpg127Knospam (More)Text(Shipyard - Swing Bridge (2024)) [3/5] - "cover.jpg" yEnc (1/1)
28 ShowPhantom_Hound_-_0.par221Knospam (More)Text(Phantom Hound - From Boom Town To Ghost Town (2024)) [01/10] - "Phantom_Hound_-_0.par2" yEnc (1/1)
29 ShowPhantom_Hound_-_0.vol000+163.par215.6Mnospam (More)Text(Phantom Hound - From Boom Town To Ghost Town (2024)) [02/10] - "Phantom_Hound_-_0.vol000+163.par2" yEnc (01/43)
30 ShowPhantom_Hound_-_0.vol163+163.par215.6Mnospam (More)Text(Phantom Hound - From Boom Town To Ghost Town (2024)) [03/10] - "Phantom_Hound_-_0.vol163+163.par2" yEnc (01/43)
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